Welcome To IB Personal Project

MYP projects prepare students for further education projects and presentations, such as those in the CP and DP. There are strong links between the MYP projects and subject-specific assessments in the DP, such as the global politics engagement activity, through the nature of the task and the presentation style of the report; however, MYP projects relate most directly to the cores of the CP and the DP.

Personal project overview

The personal project provides an opportunity for students to undertake an independent and age- appropriate exploration into an area of personal interest. Through the process of inquiry, action and reflection, students are encouraged to demonstrate and strengthen their ATL skills.
The personal nature of the project is important; the project allows students to explore an area that motivates and interests them. Students choose what they want to focus on, which can be an existing or a new interest, choose how to achieve their goal, and create their own success criteria for the product. The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP.